Bereaved adults
Grief is an important stage in the death of a loved one.
The way of living it, the time frame and the phases are different for each person. For most people, it is a difficult and emotional time that requires a lot of energy. The support of a person specialized in grief allows one to go through this difficult period by paying attention to the emotions – pain, anger, guilt, fear – as well as to the resources.
Goals of the support process
Bereaved Teens
The death of a loved one, when adolescence is already a time of inner and outer change, can bring on a roller coaster of conflicting and painful feelings and emotions.
It is important to acknowledge the symptoms of grief and to express the unique experiences of the teenager at this difficult time of life through music, games and words.
Goals of the support program
Confidentiality and parental signature
Bereaved children
Children also experience grief, and it can be difficult to support them.
In order not to add to their parent’s grief, they may keep their pain inside. Just because they seem to be doing well on the outside doesn’t mean they don’t need to express their emotions. They also need to have their questions answered honestly, of course, according to their age and ability to understand. We work as a team with the parents who are involved at different stages of the sessions.
The first session begins with the parent or guardian and the child, and then the support continues between the counselor and the child.
Sessions with the parent or guardian happen at different times during the support.
Goals of the support program
Confidentiality and signature of the parents
Bereaved Families
Bereaved families are going through a challenging time.
Each member experiences grief in his or her own way and the family dynamic can be affected. Sessions for bereaved families encourage the expression of each member, the sharing of a reality experienced differently and a better understanding of the reality of the other members of the family.
Goals of the support program
Children who have a loved one with a serious illness
Children who have a seriously ill family member are going through a troubled and difficult time.
Even if they seem to be doing well, they may be suffering silently. Support with a specialized counsellor allows them to express their emotions, ask questions and obtain clear answers, according to their ability to understand. We work as a team with the parents who are involved at different stages of the sessions.
The first session begins with the parent or guardian and the child, and then the support continues between the counselor and the child.
Sessions with the parent or guardian occur at different times during the support process.
Goals of the support program
Confidentiality and parent’s signature
People who are close to a person with an advanced illness must also remain sensitive to their needs.
At first, the caregiver needs to be supported and listened to in order to help the person being cared for. Then, when the bereavement occurs, the process of grieving and learning to live again begins. This period is called the post-care period.
Goals of the support program
People at the end of their life
Our support services for people at the end of their life are intended for people who wish to share their reality and express their experiences.
Frequency and location of sessions
The sessions are held at home, at the long-term care facility (CHSLD), at the Cité de la Santé or at the Laval palliative care center. The frequency of sessions may vary depending on the needs of the person at the end of their life and the availability of volunteers.
The goals of the support program
Support group for bereaved adults
After at least one session with a LumiVie counsellor, you can participate in a grief support group led by a counsellor specialized in grief.
These groups are open to all men and women who are experiencing grief.
IMPORTANT: This is an 11-week consecutive commitment for both the individual and the group. Group sessions are confidential.
Goals of the support group sessions
11 sessions of 3 hours, once a week with a grief specialist.
Fees for the program of 11 sessions of 3 hours each
Additional resources to consult if needed
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